The device has been developed based on the ergonomics of a lash technician’s work, does not burden the hand and fits into every lash tweezer. When you press the foot pedal once, the LED lights up for 5 seconds, which is enough time for the LUMISENSES LED GLUE to cure.
Engineers and scientists from TALTECH (University of Technology), Institute of Cybernetics have been involved in the development and measurement of the device.
The device has been tested and measured in accordance with EVS-EN 62471: 2008 and ISO 21348 standards. The measurement results regarding the potential radiation hazard are significantly lower than the limit values specified in the standards.
UV Wave length 394 – 410 nm
MAX Power 17W
Input 5V-1A

This new Lumisenses LED Flex device cures your natural lashes to extensions extremely fast – with 2 seconds the lash is fully cured and waterproof! Flexible and easily adjustable device is easy to use!
Operated by foot pedal.
has been tested and measured in accordance with EVS-EN 62471 : 2008 and ISO 21348 standards. The measurement results regarding the potential radiation hazard are significantly lower than the limit values specified in the standards.
Standard EVS-EN 62471 : 2008 – Photobiological safety of lamps and lighting equipment.
ISO 21348 Space environment (natural and artificial) – Process the determining solar irradiances.
UV Wave length 405nm
MAX Power 3W
Input 5V-1A

This device has slim design and long flexible gooseneck.
Easily adjustable and stable lamp fits perfectly into your work area, without taking much space.
Device cures your natural lashes to extensions extremely fast – with 2 seconds the lash is fully cured and waterproof! Operated by foot pedal.
The device has been tested and measured in accordance with EVS-EN 62471 : 2008 and ISO 21348 standards. The measurement results regarding the potential radiation hazard are significantly lower than the limit values specified in the standards.
Standard EVS-EN 62471 : 2008 – Photobiological safety of lamps and lighting equipment.
ISO 21348 Space environment (natural and artificial) – Process the determining solar irradiances.
UV Wave length 395 – 400 nm
Power 5W
Input 5V-1A
Working time on LUMISENSES LED EYELASH EXTENSION SYSTEM DEVICE is 10 000 hours (LED). Engineers and scientists from TALTECH (Tallinn University of Technology), Institute of Cybernetics have been involved in the development and measurement of the device.
All our devices comply with European Union regulations and are equipped with the EU certification mark. Each device has undergone extensive testing and safety checks, ensuring maximum security and reliability in accordance with EU laws and standards:
EVS-EN 62471:2008 – Photobiological safety of lamps and lighting equipment.
ISO 21348 – Space environment (natural and artificial) – Process for determining solar irradiances.
Additionally, the following directives and standards apply:
RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU
EVS-EN 62321-3-1
EN 60598-1:2015
EN 55015:2013 + A1:2016
EN 61547:2009
EVS-EN 61000-6-3:2007
EVS-EN 62471:2008
ISO 21348
If you’re looking for safe, certified, and high-quality UV LED lash extension devices, you’ve come to the right place! Our products are designed for professionals who value precision, safety, and innovation.
Here you will find more information about:
– anatomy;
– what is UV
– safety and testing
– frequently asked questions

The main function of eyelashes and eyelids is to protect eye from external factors, for example wind, sun, dust etc. Eyelashes are eyelid hairs that grow from of contact between the eyelid and the mucous membrane to form a protective grid around the eye.
The upper lashes are stronger and thicker. The upper lash arch has an average of 80–180 lashes and the lower lash arch has an average of 65–75 hairs. The volume of the lashes is very individual, depending on race, climate, age, diseases, etc.
Eyelashes grow in an average of 3-4 layers and on average 7-10 mm long. Lashes do not grow in sync, therefore we lose lashes every day. Eyelash cells develop in the eyelash follicles located in the dermis of the skin.

The skin consists of three layers – the stratum corneum, the epidermis and the dermis. Under the dermis is located the adipose tissue. The dermis has sebaceous and sweat glands and numerous receptors, hairs, nerves and blood vessels.

Eyelashes roots – the hair bulbs, are located in hair follicle, which are located in dermis. Close to them are located capillaries, nerves and hair arrector pili muscles.
The hair follicle is made up of fascia and epithelial tissue. At the base of the follicle is a projection. This projection is called a papilla and it contains capillaries, or tiny blood vessels, that feed the cells.
The parts of epithelial tissue are external and internal root sheath, hair bulbs and hair. At the upper part of hair follicle is formed on external root sheath, so called protuberance. Many researches have established it as a nest of stem cells, where are needful amount of renewable stem cells, which are able to keep functional all epithelial tissue parts.

If we watch eyelash cross section by microscope, then we can see, that eyelash consist of three different main layers:
CUTICULE (outer layer)
CORTEX (middle layer)
MEDULLA (the inner layer)
The cuticle consists of several rows of smooth, transparent layers stacked on top of each other like scales. When the hair gets wet due to water or for example tears, the armor layer of hair opens (expands).
As the hair dries, this layer returns to its normal shape. Therefore do not glue an extension to wet hair (the joint will be scarce and the extension may fall off).
Cortex contains natural pigment cells that are distributed throughout the cortex giving the eyelash its characteristic color.
The medulla is the innermost part of the hair where is located so-called hair brain, which is rich of oxygen.

Each hair on our bodies has a specific length that it will grow to. After it reaches this length it goes into a resting state until it naturally falls out and is replaced by a new one. Eyelashes are no exception. There is a maximum length your eyelashes will grow to naturally, without aid, depending on genetics.
Eyelashes growth is divided into three main cycles:
Anagen – the active growth phase of hair follicles. The cells in the root of the hair are dividing rapidly, adding to the hair shaft. The amount of time the hair follicle stays in the anagen phase is genetically determined. At the end of the anagen phase an unknown signal causes the follicle to go into the catagen phase.
Catagen- a short transition stage that occurs at the end of the anagen phase. It signals the end of the active growth of a hair.
Telogen- the resting phase of the hair follicle. The eyelashes are falling out.
Anagen phase is about 80-110 days, catagen and telogen phase are approximately 10 days, when the eyelash hair no longer grows and eventually falls out. All cycle in time (85%: 14%: 1%).

The most ideal eyelashes for lenghtening are shown on the following scheme II PHASE.
They are already strong enough to hold the lenghtened lashes upright. Their great advantage is that their growth will continue for some. However, the number of such lashes is not sufficient for a perfect glamorous look.
Then III PHASE growing eyelashes are also extended, but since we do not know in which telogen time they are at the moment, it may happen that the extended lash might fall out on the next day or day after that.
It is forbidden to extend I PHASE growing eyelashes. These small hairs are not strong enough to hold the curved extensions upwards and due to their weight they might fall into sides (curtain effect) or fall out with the root (depilation effect).
The advantage of this technology is its exceptionally natural appearance and the longevity of the lash construction – such lashes can be used in the gym, sauna, swimming pool, sunbathing, etc.
The eyelash technician chooses the appropriate eyelash extension length for each client, taking into consideration the rule that natural eyelashes may be extended only by 1/3 of the length of their own length (see following photo).
The eyelash extensions material is polyester fiber (PBT) from which both silk lashes and mink lashes are produced, in the final stages of production is used different technologies.
The choice of lash thickness depends on the client’s own natural lash thickness. The more similar thickness the lash extension we find to the natural lash, the larger and stronger is the attachment point. Then we can be sure that the extended lashes do not fall off and do not burden the natural lashes.
0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.085 mm – are very thin extension hairs, which are mainly used to apply volume lashes, using them in several bundles.
0.10, 0.12, 0.15, 0.18 mm – are medium-thickness lashes and are used for the classic lash extensions, meaning one-to-one technique.
0.20, 0.25 – are very thick lashes, which are recommended to be used only in very extreme cases, when the client’s natural lash hair allows such weight and thickness.

Working with pre-made eyelash extensions is many times faster and more efficient. This saves not only the lash technician but also the client’s time.
Working with pre-made eyelash extensions allows you to serve up to 4 customers more a day, which also means more money. The material is more expensive, but in general the efficiency and quality of work is the highest.

Before applying eyelash extensions, the client’s lower lashes should be separated with gel pad patches to prevent lash extensions being applied on the lower lashes.
Gel pad patches come in different sizes and therefore the most suitable one for the customer should be chosen. As a result of using gel pad patches, the gel can sometimes come out of the pad and irritate the client’s eyes and make them watery.
If the client closes the eye, pull the gel pad down if necessary so that it does not touch the eyeball. If the client’s eyes are sensitive to gel pad patches, a soft tapes can be used.
For Lumisenses LED System, we recommend using a special adhesive base. Other different adhesive bases such as glass, stone, plastic, foil, tape, ceramic, silicone reflect light and the adhesive hardens faster on these bases.

The overall light density of the room should be 400 LX and the spot light 2000 LX. Make sure that the lights does not cure the adhesive as many LED lights contain the adhesive curing spectrum. Ventilation should correspond to an air exchange of 2.5 l / sec per m². The room must have a sink and water supply.
NB! Please note that since we ship Lumisense devices worldwide, please follow your country’s rules and regulations.
Most important is the health and safety of the eyelash technician and customer. We ask you to pay special attention to this, because your work includes eye and an eye area that is related to both our own and our customers’ very important mind, which is the sense of sight.
Failure to observe and comply with the safety instructions may result in irreversible consequences.
Wash hands before every client.
Disinfect hands with disinfectant, which is meant for skin.
Disinfect all instruments (like tweezers, brushes, heated eyelash curler ect.) with special disinfectant which is meant for them.
Disinfecting work surface is also important, use special disinfectant.
Using disposable implements (like gel patches, caps, tape ect.) are mandatory and after using them, throw them away to closed pin with trash bag.
Eyelash technician has to use disposable surgical mask during the procedure.
It is not recommended to wear outdoor footwear.
Skin contact with eyelash glue, remover, pre-treatment needs to be avoided.
In case of skin contact, remove the product with a cotton pad soaked in water.
If glue gets on skin, first you need to apply remover on a microfiber brush and remove the glue, after that use a cotton pad soaked in water.
If any product mentioned above gets contact with eyes, rinse clients eyes immediately with plenty of water and consult with doctor.
Working with tweezers is only allowed from clients forehead, sharp tweezers ends directed to cheeks.
Apply gel pad patches at least 3 mm from mucous membrane because they can contain eye irritating components.
Using LUMISENSES® products is on every technicians own responsibility and must not be used without a special training.
A photoinitiator is a molecule that produces reactive species when exposed to radiation (UV or visible).
(source – Wikipedia)
Lumisenses LED system adhesive reacts with photoinitiators to activate and harden the molecules.
A light-emitting diode (LED) is an electronic device that converts electrical energy into visible light as well as optical radiation in the infrared or ultraviolet part of the spectrum. (source – Wikipedia)
The international abbreviation LED is used for the light emitting diode.
The lifetime of the LUMISENSES LED system is approximately 10,000 operating hours.
The diode of the LUMISENSES LED device belongs to the spectral range of visible light.
Ultraviolet radiation or UV radiation, is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than that of visible light (bordering on violet light) but longer than X-rays.
Therefore ultraviolet radiation is part of the spectrum of electromagnetic waves. (source – Wikipedia)

UV-C Wavelength 200-280 nm. UVC radiation is absorbed by the ozone layer and does not reach the ground, but it can be exaggerated in solariums. This wavelength is also used in bactericidal lamps.
UV-B Wavelength 280-315 nm. UVB radiation is 5% of the sunlight reaching the ground, which does not penetrate the subcutaneous tissues. It usually causes irritation and redness of the skin, but certain doses have a healing effect and prevent irritation. Used in UV light therapy. Harmful is an overdose of the UVB spectrum, which damages the body’s immune system, DNA synthesis and can lead to skin cancer or melanoma, cataracts may develop in the eyes. UVB is extremely carcinogenic.
UV-A Wavelength 315-380 nm. UVA is the part of the spectrum at the expense of which we tan. Vitamin D3 is formed in the body, which is involved in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus and the formation of bones, protects children from rickets and helps prevent Osteoporosis.
UVA causes premature skin aging, disrupts the human immune system and significantly increases the risk of skin cancer. UVA radiation is equally intense in summer and winter. Used in nail lamps, solariums.
VISILBE LIGHT 380-780 nm. The Lumisenses Led device belongs to this spectrum range.